Sometimes, it can be heart-rending to discard decades-old memorabilia, especially of events that we hold so dearly. As a die-hard and long-standing Lion, I have kept most seminar materials, bulletins, magazines, photos, and souvenirs of Lions' bygone days. Having moved house a third time, albeit to a smaller place, more than two-thirds of these prized collections have somehow been misplaced or lost.

Being a sentimentalist, I have decided to scan and store these wonderful memories in cyberspace. However, these memories may also vanish at the push of a button or be destroyed by some virus. There are old newsletter reports, letters, photographs, and bulletins in this book. These postings really encapsulate the people, their emotions, and the moments: be it laughter and joy, the spirit of giving and sharing, boundless friendship, challenges and sacrifices, the preparations and protocols, funny moments … in essence a brief of District 308B Lionism. Unfortunately, volumes of photographs went missing or could not be retrieved. I am so thankful to Gim Ewe who has inspired me to start writing this book.

Gim Ewe and I are both members of the 'EatingKakis', a close-knit group of food lovers. We often go for our culinary get-together where we talk about everything and anything under the sun. See:

It is my sincere hope that readers will get a glimpse of Lionism as seen from my sojourn as a rookie, a full-hearted Lion, a District Governor, and a Council Chairperson. 

Bonne lecture! 


Allan Cheah CW


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